Number and Arithmetic Balance
Recognising number and its place value Comparing numbers in the range 10 and 100 using relations (using specific terms such as " less...
Our system work tools support unified learning and help to actively grasp what is learned with all sen-ses. All items are aligned to the decimal system.
Recognising number and its place value Comparing numbers in the range 10 and 100 using relations (using specific terms such as " less...
Add correct number of balls to each numeral Recognize that numbers can be made up of digits Number recognition (visual and haptic exercises)...
These fun building blocks train spatial awareness and creativity. The set can be used to create three dimensional shapes and colour patterns. As...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Subtraction Multiplication - multiply Division - dividing - distributing Comparison of...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Subtraction Multiplication - multiply Division - dividing - distributing Comparison of...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Subtraction Multiplication - multiply division - dividing - distributing Comparison of...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Multiplication - multiply division - dividing - distributing Comparison of numbers...
The Abacus (also know as Rekenrek or Counting Frame) is an amazing resource to teach, learn and reinforce a multitude of mathematical concepts -...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Subtraction Multiplication - multiply Division - dividing - distributing Comparison of...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Subtraction Multiplication - multiply Division - dividing - distributing Comparison of...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Subtraction Multiplication - multiply Division - dividing - distributing Comparison of...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Multiplication - multiply division - dividing - distributing Comparison of numbers...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Multiplication - multiply Subtraction Division - dividing - distributing Comparison of...
Addition - add with and without passing tens Subtraction Multiplication - multiply Division - dividing - distributing Comparison of numbers...
Recognize and use structures in number recognition. Varied exercises for bundling: How many units cover a ten rod? How many ten rods cover a...
Get a comprehensive number concept (e.g. structure of the decimal system). Learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Count...
Recognize and use structures in number recognition (e.g. 1000 as 10 H or as 100 T). Use the structure of the decimal system (bundling, place...
Recognise and use structures in number recognition (e.g. 1000 as 10 H or as 100 T). Use the structure of the decimal system (bundling, place...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
Recognize and use structures in number recognition (e.g. 1000 as 10 H or as 100 T). Use the structure of the decimal system (bundling, place...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
Practice and use structures in number recognition e.g. 1000 as 10 Hundreds or as 100 Tens Use the structure of the decimal system bundling,...
These place value spinner can be used to generate number to 9999. One spinner each for thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Suitable for activties...
Count forwards and backwards from 1 to 20 Estimate quantities at a glance Understand number bonds Count in steps (e.g. 2, 4, 6, ... or 17,...
Count forwards and backwards from 1 to 20 Estimate quantities at a glance Understand number bonds Count in steps (e.g. 2, 4, 6, ... or 17,...
Huge size makes this ideal for class demonstrations and activities Count forward and backward from 1 to 100 Add with and without passing tens...
Combine Dienes and Cusinaire Playfully discover the number range 1 - 10 Further develop of the concept of numbers Understand place value...
These Tower Numbers are a great playful way to understand number value and number bonds Recognising numbers and their value - the larger the...
Recognising numbers without having to count first Counting forwards and backwards Learning to write by tracing the stack numbers Bundling...
Tower Numbers are a brilliant way for children to explore and understand number bonds, place value and the basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction,...
Tower Numbers are a brilliant way for children to explore and understand number bonds, place value and the basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction,...
Tower Numbers are a brilliant way for children to explore and understand number bonds, place value and the basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction,...
Teacher Set can be attached to a magnetic whiteboard Recognise fractions as part of a whole Estimating and comparing fractions Extending and...
Recognise fractions as part of a whole Estimating and comparing fractions Extending and reducing fractions Compare and order fractions Add...
Combine Dienes and Cusinaire Playfully discover the number range 1 - 10 Further develop of the concept of numbers Understand place value...
Writing motor skills for numbers 1-20. Connecting numbers with pictorial representations. Knowledge of the number word series (counting forward...